Ready to balance hormones and get rid of ​unhealthy habits without restrictive dieting?

No shakes, juicing or supplements!

14 Day Food Cleanse

Food is Medicine. Food is Healing. Food is Everything!

The first step when starting your healthy hormonal healing journey is to​ reset your body. A reset is not something to fear. It is a systematized way ​of cleansing your body and your mind to prepare for a lifestyle change.

Your initial commitment to this reset will enhance your results and help ​you rid yourself of unhealthy habits right from the start.

This unique reset, is solely a food cleanse with no pills, shakes, it’s a ​systemized process with delicious purifying recipes that won’t leave you ​starving, in fact you have to commit to eating 3 full balanced meals plus ​2-3 snacks to get the full benefit.

You can lose up to 2-13 pounds in one week depending on how much ​inflammation or built up toxins you have going on in your body.

Every “BODY” is different. During your cleanse you will get 2 weeks of​ unlimited email support and a complimentary consultation to discuss ​your progress and your goals!

What is Reset intended to do?

The reset can work with your current diet plan or support you on your journey to eating better!


Cleanses your body of toxins and impurities


Engages your digestive system and prepare your body to flush fat


Jumpstarts your metabolism to burn fat


Resets your palate to crave healthy, fat burning foods and reduce cravings for salt, fat and sugar


Helps you mentally prepare for your new lifestyle and transformation


Improves your body's ability to absorb nutrients


Start balancing major hormones and get your body into an anti-inflammatory state, where you will be eating alkaline forming foods (rejuvenating your cells), instead of acid forming foods (causing irregular patterns/dysfunctional cells), making your cells happy!

You are not alone!

If you have been struggling in losing weight and feeling overwhelmed, I want you to know that you ​are not alone!

I have been there, I've tried every diet under the sun! I would lose some weight & then put it right ​back on! I YO-YO dieted for about 8 years not to mention all the years before my 40's & after each ​child!!⠀

I would make every excuse, every day! I would binge eat, over eat, & think to myself tomorrow I’ll ​start all over again! This was a VISCOUS CYCLE & mentality, it wasn’t healthy & in fact it was not a ​lifestyle I wanted ANYMORE!! Something had to change! There had to be a better way!!⠀

I finally TOOK ACTION! It wasn’t easy but it was all WORTH IT!

Today, I am a PROUD CERTIFIED Integrative Nutrition & Hormone Health Coach, AKA- WEIGHT ​LOSS & HORMONAL BALANCING EXPERT!⠀

I have perfected a WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM that works!! Why? Because it is a NON-DIET approach, ​rather a holistic approach! You get to EAT ALL FOOD GROUPS w/ a SIMPLE meal plan & SOLUTIONS ​to help you improve your health! From diabetes, hormonal balancing, heart health, gut healing & ​reducing inflammation!!



Meet Rose

As a Certified Integrative Nutrition & Hormone Health Coach, Weight ​Loss Expert, Rose Serluca is dedicated to helping individuals address ​inflammation through a holistic and personalized approach to ​nutrition. By carefully considering dietary choices and lifestyle ​factors.

Rose's expertise lies in crafting customized nutrition tailored healing ​plans that emphasize anti-inflammatory foods, supporting the body's ​natural ability to reduce inflammation, balance hormones & blood ​sugars irregularities, plus weight management.

Her approach involves not only providing practical dietary guidance ​but also educating clients on lifestyle adjustments that can ​contribute to overall inflammation reduction. Rose empowers ​individuals to make informed choices that positively impact their ​well-being.

“Food can either be the best form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

What's Included

  • 2 Week Food Plan
  • Recipes
  • Measurement Chart
  • Journal
  • Accountability & Email Support EVERYDAY!
  • Private Consultation Session to help you get the best ​results!
  • Unlimited Email Support where you can reach out to me ​with anything!!
  • FREE Class at BARRECOAST Studios with anyone who ​wants to try out yoga, barre, boxing, barbell, HITT or TRX ​class!! (If you live in the RI area, if not I can send you ​exercise tips, upon request)

Joining our 14-day food cleanse isn't just about what you'll be removing from your diet—it's about ​what you'll be adding: vibrant, nutrient-rich foods that nourish your body and soul.

Take this transformative journey with us and emerge feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ​ready to embrace a healthier way of living.


Join us on this journey to a healthier, more vibrant you!