#1 Weight Loss Hack

to Nourish & Trim ​Without dieting

By Rose Serluca

Access the top 7 trigger foods & 7 replacement foods!

Plus a lavish weight loss meal plan & an essential grocery ​list to help you identify which foods best suit your unique ​body to shed stubborn pounds!

Bonus nutrition tips & advice!

copyright rose's wellness 2024

#1 Weight Loss Hack

copyright rose's wellness 2024

The constant battles of diets!

I get it! As a health-conscious person myself, I've spent ​years trying to identify which foods work best for my ​body and my hormonal needs that would help me with ​my weight fluctuations.

Not no more! I figured out which foods can effect our ​hormones, cause inflammation, gut issues and causes us ​to gain weight!

I’ve helped over 300 women and within 24-72 hours they ​felt relief and a difference by following this guide, ​changing their foods choices and not eliminating any ​food groups! Overnight you will be ready to transform ​your food pantry and start making delicious meals!

By the end of the week you can easily see 2-5 pounds ​down once you’ve identified and replaced those trigger ​foods. Some have seen 14 pounds!

Let’s End Diet Struggles ​Without Giving Up Your ​Favorite Foods!

#1 Weight Loss Hack

What if you could eat ​without restrictions?

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Every time I eat carbs I gain weight!

You'll likely experience a significant change in how your body responds to carbohydrates. ​Specifically, you may notice that every time you consume processed and refined carbs, such ​as white bread or sugary snacks, your weight tends to increase due to their high glycemic ​index and low nutritional value. On the other hand, when you opt for whole grain, plant-​based carbs you'll likely find that your weight remains more stable. These whole foods are ​rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, promoting a slower release of glucose into the ​bloodstream and providing sustained energy levels. Over time, consistently choosing ​nutrient-dense carbs over processed options can contribute to weight management and ​overall well-being.

Why do certain foods

cause me stomach issues?

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When I eat certain foods I get very bloated,

pain, gas and constipation!

Such reactions often occur due to individual sensitivities or ​intolerances to certain foods. Common culprits include gluten, dairy, ​and artificial additives. These substances can irritate the digestive ​system, leading to inflammation, bloating, and other discomforts. By ​eliminating these trigger foods and focusing on nourishing options, ​you can help your digestive system function optimally and alleviate ​these symptoms. When you do identify foods that help you, it's a total ​game changer, and you may notice that the scale goes down too. This ​proactive approach to your diet can lead to improved digestive ​health, increased comfort, and enhanced overall well-being.

Why can’t I lose weight like

I used to?

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Every time I used to go on a diet I would lose weight

no problem and now I can’t lose a pound?

By shifting away from traditional dieting and instead focusing on eating healthy for your ​unique body and needs as you age, you may find a significant difference in your weight ​management journey. While diets may have previously resulted in effortless weight loss, the ​inability to shed pounds now could be due to various factors such as metabolic changes, ​hormonal fluctuations, or lifestyle shifts. However, by adopting a sustainable approach to ​nutrition that prioritizes nourishing whole foods and mindful eating habits, you can cultivate a ​healthier relationship with food and support your body's changing needs over time. This ​approach emphasizes long-term well-being rather than quick fixes, promoting not just weight ​loss, but overall health and vitality.

Meet Who Created This Hack!

Rose Serluca

I’m the mastermind behind this #1 Weight Loss Hack! I created ​this guide for women who struggle with dieting. Personally, I ​refrain from following any diets due to the mental and physical ​damage they inflicted on me over the years. Plus, I have a deep ​appreciation for all foods, especially pasta!

My passion is to help SOLVE the root causes with food to ​help balancing hormones and blood sugars to, reverse ​disease, promote healthy weight loss by teaching as many ​people how to eat healthier, end dieting once and for all with ​healthier & simpler solutions.

In this guide you’ll get a full list of the top trigger & replacement ​foods, essential grocery list, meal plan & tons of nutrition ​support tips to help you start a healthier journey!

With my expertise I'm committed to helping you regain control ​of your body, health, and life!

Certified Integrative Nutrition &

Hormone HEalth Coach

Rose’s wellness

within no time you’ll have goodies at

your finger tips!

We are in Pre-Launch Mode!

If you order now during this time you will get lots of goodies as a thank you and ​I will be sending out an email asking what you would like to see in this guide!

The See Details Below:

  • You will receive a Labels & Food List Freebie to give you immediate resource ​to start preparing your body for what it rightfully needs to run a healthier ​metabolic rate!
  • Enjoy Low Carb Bolognese Sauce & a Chocolate Almond Protein Balls recipes
  • Release date is May 17
  • You will lock in at a beta price and receive the awesomest food guide to help ​you shed stubborn weight and end diet struggles without giving up your ​favorite indulgences, all while boosting overall well-being with nutrient ​dense and essential foods! Your body will thank you for!

How can you Reserve my copy right now?

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#1 Weight Loss Hack

To Nourish & Trim Without Dieting

Grab the 7 trigger & replacement food list,

plus meal plan and essential grocery list!

Exclusive Presale Price $29

Normally $47

Save $18 if you purchase before May 17

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copyright rose's wellness 2024

#1 Weight Loss Hack

copyright rose's wellness 2024